Empowering people with CF through new life events


Content addressing CF in adulthood for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation 

The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation (CFF) is committed to ensuring all people with cystic fibrosis (CF) have the opportunity to lead long, fulfilling lives. Thanks to dramatic improvements in treatment and care, people with CF are reaching key milestones once never imagined. The CFF engaged Speaking of Science to create plain language content around new life events such as travelling, to help patients make the healthiest decisions possible. Using clear, simple language, we created a suite of digital resources that provides guidance to people with CF on how to stay healthy while exploring the world or visiting friends and family. We then tested the content with people who have limited literacy skills to ensure that all patients have the resources needed to take care of their health while away from home.   


Messaging & Content Creation
Digital Media
Patient Education
Plain Language Writing