Elevating the importance of biomarker testing for advanced cancer patients

Clear Your View is an educational campaign for community healthcare providers launched by a precision oncology company and in partnership with cancer advocacy organizations. This legacy campaign had achieved some success in raising awareness around the need for comprehensive biomarker testing, but feedback suggested the need to strengthen brand identity and evolve the brand’s messaging and design to better reach its target audience.

We worked with the client to develop a 360°campaign to help clinicians understand the critical role biomarker testing can play in treatment decision-making. The campaign included messaging and print and digital materials to refine the brand and advance the campaign.

The challenge

Our approach

How we helped

  • Brand identity and evolution
  • Message development
  • Copywriting
  • Medical writing
  • UX design
  • Print and digital creative
  • Web development
  • Web maintenance
  • Project management


Complete biomarker testing empowers providers to inform treatment decisions for advanced cancer patients

Asserting a new campaign identity

We reimagined Clear Your View’s brand identity, taking a clear but commanding design approach grounded in prior market research.

Improving the user experience

The new campaign website’s intuitive information architecture makes it easier for users to find and engage with information. Additionally, the new site’s mobile responsiveness allows users to access content from any device, at any time.

Crafting a more powerful message

We updated existing content with new research data to reflect a rapidly evolving treatment landscape and ensure campaigns claims were backed by evidence.

We also created a new vertical biomarker testing for treatment selection in patients with colorectal cancer, an emerging use case at the time of the campaign’s creation.

Our execution of the integrated campaign encompassed a suite of print and digital materials in addition to the website, including campaign collateral, banner ads, and an email series.

Reaching more audiences